
Projections are a critical part to any successful marketing campaign or funnel because they give you a way to measure each part of your campaign against a pre thought out goal.
From the cost of specific ads, to the total return on investment, clients, team members, and your own wallet will tell you that it's important to forecast your campaign data beforehand to determine exactly how effective your marketing actually is.
And in MarketPlan we give you a simple way to project every part of your campaign right from the canvas. Let's jump in and see how it works.
From here in the canvas we can cover every aspect of making accurate campaign projections in MarketPlan.
Traffic and Conversion Elements
Right away here in the corner you can see the off/plan/live toggle. Your projections data appears when you flip the switch to Plan mode. And you'll notice the traffic elements appear inbetween your campaign elements.
These are dynamically generated depending on the element types to display visitors, leads, sales or leads & sales. And of course you can always override this by simply selecting what you would like the projections modules to display.
To create your projected traffic itself, simply click and type right into the element what number you're forecasting.
Budgeting Ads
Let's go ahead now and create our projected ad spend budget by clicking inside the ad canvas app, so we can get more accurate numbers when we do more later down the line.
In the bottom corner here you'll notice your total ad budget. This will dynamically change based off of your individual ad budget which you change by clicking on the settings icon on each ad. For this image ad lets change the flat rate of $200 to a $2 CPC ad. And you can see the total budget automatically updates based off of the amount of traffic you project that will come from your ads.
For example If we click out of here for a second and change the 100 visitors to 500 visitors you can see the total budget increases accordingly to account for each click based off of your input. Alternatively, if you're testing ads or have a flat budget you can simply enter that value here as well.
Determine Your KPI's
If you know the data before you set you campaign live, when you are running real traffic you will already know your KPI's and pain points to know how to make profits. For example if you know that you are running an ad with a higher CPC, you can know ahead of time based off of your projections how much traffic you should expect before you go over budget, or you use the data to turn off underperforming ads and scale winning ads.
After your traffic from ads, social media, emails, etc. hits your sales page, you can project what percentage of traffic then continues further into the funnel to the order page by filling in a value here. You can enter either in direct number or percentage and allow MarketPlan to handle the math for you.
Adding Products/Services
Additionally, The sales projection module works in a similar way, and allows you to see what percentage of traffic converts into sales from the order form, but before a dollar amount appears we need to create the product information which you can do by clicking here and choosing add new product.
Here you can name your product and enter in its price. This percentage field is for pages with multiple products or bump offers and by default is set to 100%, meaning that out of the amount of people who bought products on this page, 100% of them bought this product. If we add another product, call it a bump offer, and price it at $30, we can make the percentage 40% to represent only 40% of people actually purchasing the bump offer.
This same process of entering in product info works the same way with the upsell element.
Normally at this point you gain critical information about pricing your main product, and your upsell products to make sure you break even, and to project profitability.
For example if you only come out to break even on your sales page, but have no more money for traffic, you know your upsell is where your funnel really needs to perform to make a profit. Which is very common especially with value ladder funnels, or campaigns with add-ons like insurance plans for products or warranties which would cost very little, but add easy revenue on the back end of your sales process.
That's what would be considered a Key Performance Indicator or KPI- knowing where your funnel needs to perform to make it profitable.
Campaign Stats
Now once all of your projects data is entered, you can click here on "stats" and see the automatic, clean report which shows you at a glance valuable metrics for you or for presenting to clients like your average visitor, lead, and transaction value as well as of course your spending and revenue totals, making it simple to know your ROI.
And that is how simple it is to make accurate projections in MarketPlan. Show your clients you came prepared, know your KPI's before you spend a dollar, and make the critical decisions in your campaign to make the profits you're looking for.
Learn more on Youtube here.